Exposing Linux User and Group information with the Prometheus Textfile Collector

Learn how to set up the Textfile Collector to expose Linux user and group data as Prometheus metrics.

Exposing Linux User and Group information with the Prometheus Textfile Collector
Export Linux User and Group data into Prometheus with the Textfile Collector

In this article, I’ll show you how to set up the Textfile Collector to expose Linux user and group data as Prometheus metrics, allowing you to seamlessly integrate this insight into your existing monitoring dashboards. Whether you're managing a small setup or a large infrastructure, this approach provides a simple yet effective way to keep track of user access and permissions across your systems.

Textfile Collector

The Prometheus Textfile Collector is a powerful tool that allows you to generate custom metrics by exposing information through simple text files. For Linux administrators, using this feature to track and monitor system information — such as users and groups — can provide valuable insight into system access and configuration changes over time.


The setup includes the following parts:

  • Scripts that extract the user and group data
  • CronJob that periodically executes these scripts and writes the output to a text file
  • Prometheus Node Exporter, which collects these text files

Step 1: Prometheus installation

Let's start by installing Prometheus and the Prometheus Nodes Exporter using the kube-prometheus-stack Helm Chart. First we need to add the Helm Repository:

helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update

Next, we need to set up the configuration for the Helm Chart. We need to make sure that the Textfile Collector is enabled, which is done by adding the flag --collector.textfile.directory as an argument to the Prometheus Node Exporter. Your configuration might look like this:

    # kube-prometheus-stack chart's default configuration
    - --collector.filesystem.mount-points-exclude=^/(dev|proc|sys|var/lib/docker/.+|var/lib/kubelet/.+)($|/)
    - --collector.filesystem.fs-types-exclude=^(autofs|binfmt_misc|bpf|cgroup2?|configfs|debugfs|devpts|devtmpfs|fusectl|hugetlbfs|iso9660|mqueue|nsfs|overlay|proc|procfs|pstore|rpc_pipefs|securityfs|selinuxfs|squashfs|sysfs|tracefs)$
    # enable textfile collector
    - --collector.textfile.directory=/host/root/var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/metrics


Now, we can install the Helm Chart with this configuration:

helm upgrade --install kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --create-namespace \
-f values.yaml --wait prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Step 2: Define scripts to extract data

Now we can write scripts to extract the necessary information. On Linux systems, all the information we want to expose is stored in the files /etc/passwd and /etc/group:

  • /etc/passwd contains information about users such as their username, userid or their home directory
  • /etc/group contains information about groups, such as the group name, groupid and users in that group

Step 2a: Extract user information

The /etc/passwd file looks something like this:



Each row contains information about a single user, with each column separated by a :. The columns are from left to right: username, password, user id, primary group id, gecos info, home directory and shell. If you want to learn more about this file, check out this link.

With this in mind, we can create a script that reads each single line and outputs a metric, which I will call linux_user_info. This metric will contain the username, user id, primary group id, home directory and shell of each user. The script is quite simple:


set -eo pipefail

while IFS=':' read -r username encryptedPasswordInShadowFile userId groupId userIdInfo homeDirectory shell; do
    echo "linux_user_info{username=\"$username\",uid=\"$userId\",gid=\"$groupId\",home=\"$homeDirectory\",shell=\"$shell\"} 1"
done < "/etc/passwd"

Step 2b: Extract group information

The /etc/group file looks something like this:



Each row contains information about a single group, with each column separated by a :. The columns are, from left to right, group name, password, group id and a list of users in that group. If you want to learn more about this file, see this link.

The corresponding script reads each line and outputs a metric which I will call linux_group_info. This metric will contain the group name, group id and the list of users in each group. The script looks very similar to the previous one:


set -eo pipefail

while IFS=':' read -r groupname password groupId users; do
    echo "linux_group_info{groupname=\"$groupname\",gid=\"$groupId\",users=\"${users%,}\"} 1"
done < "/etc/group"

Step 2c: Extract group membership

Finally, we want to extract the members of each group and create a metric for this information. Again, we will use the /etc/group file, which already contains the information we need, but in comma-separated form. Our script needs to iterate over each entry in the /etc/group file, split the users, and create a metric for each user in that list. A sample script might look like this:


set -eo pipefail

while IFS=':' read -r groupname password groupId users; do
    if [ ! -z "${users}" ];
        IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "$users"
        for element in "${array[@]}"
            echo "linux_group_membership{groupname=\"$groupname\",gid=\"$groupId\",username=\"${element}\"} 1"
done < "/etc/group"

Step 3: Set up the CronJob

The last step is to glue everything together and set up a cronjob to periodically update the metrics with the latest values.

  1. Move the scripts to the node (e.g. to /var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/scripts)
  2. Create the empty metrics files (*.prom) that will contain the script output (e.g. in /var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/metrics)
  3. Make sure sponge is installed on the node (comes from the moreutils package)
  4. Create cronjobs that run the scripts and pipe the output to the metrics files

An example of a CronJob looks like this:

*/1 * * * * root /var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/scripts/linux-user-info.sh | sponge /var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/metrics/linux_user_info.prom > /dev/null


*/1 * * * * root /var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/scripts/linux-group-info.sh | sponge /var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/metrics/linux_group_info.prom > /dev/null


*/1 * * * * root /var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/scripts/linux-group-membership.sh | sponge /var/lib/prometheus-node-exporter/textfile-collector/metrics/linux_group_membership.prom > /dev/null


These examples will run the scripts every minute and pipe their output to the appropriate metrics file. Simply add these files to the /etc/cron.d directory. They must be owned by root.

Once the cronjobs are running, you should be able to see your metrics in Prometheus and display them in Grafana. Here is a simple dashboard showing the metrics:

Grafana Dashboard displaying Linux User and Group information


Prometheus' Textfile Collector of is a powerful feature to collect information from a Kubernetes node that is not included in the Node Exporter and display it as a normal Prometheus metric.

The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination. There is a GitHub repository that contains many scripts that can be used in conjunction with the Textfile Collector. Check it out for inspiration:

GitHub - prometheus-community/node-exporter-textfile-collector-scripts: Scripts for node-exporter’s textfile collector
Scripts for node-exporter’s textfile collector. Contribute to prometheus-community/node-exporter-textfile-collector-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub.

I'd love to hear about the problems you've solved using the Textfile Collector in the comments. You can try this approach in a demo environment I published on GitHub. Check out the link in the Resources section.
