Helm Signing Helm Charts with PGP using the GitHub Releaser Action This guide will show how you can sign your Helm Charts in an automated way by using the GitHub Releaser Action with a PGP key.
Helm Using GitHub as a Helm Chart Repository Using GitHub Pages to create a Helm Repository in a secure and stable way.
Kubernetes Using minikube with nip.io on WSL2 Minikube combined with nip.io makes accessing and developing applications a breeze.
Helm Automating Blackbox Monitoring for your Helm Chart In this article, I explain the concept of Blackbox Monitoring, a Prometheus CRD for defining monitoring targets, and a possible implementation of these concepts with Helm.
Helm Making your Helm Chart observable for Prometheus In this blog post, I walk you through the various steps required to make an existing Helm chart observable by Prometheus.
Kubernetes Get rid of hard-coded IPs in your Helm charts DNS resolution in Helm charts can be achieved using the network function getHostByName. Follow this blog post to find out how to do this.
linux How to change the hostname of Ubuntu running in Windows WSL This article shows how to permanently change the hostname of Ubuntu running in the Windows subsystem for Linux.
Kubernetes Best way to use Bitnami’s database Helm charts In this article I will show how to include Bitnami's charts as dependencies and use them in your own Helm templates in the easiest way.
linux Overview of Shell Autocompletions I simply love shell completion on the command line, which saves you